Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friday, December 29, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006


all about the numbers

The comfort in numbers is not realized by enough people on earth, cos the bastards
dont want us to know the kind of magick in it.
It will z u 3 from the rotten prison of capitalism.
When will people wake up and c the bigger picture ?
All the wonderfull things in life keeps people in a trance that keeps the brain from
relating to the even more terrible things.
I am afraid that its gonna be up to the people left without children to save the world from
the absolut orwellian society.
Think ,its the people who want to z people 3 who is laughed about,
cos of 4.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Saturday, December 2, 2006


feelings of vinter

It is now time for vinter if eyes are on the kalender.
My mind has done that so power is going on a break.
Hopefully it will be possible for time to shortend that break.
The heart will make art from earth so tears will hear the joy in the ears.
Love will win.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

help your self

That is the answer
Those who truely love you , do not need to help you.
Afther 2 months without work I will work for 3 days next week.(mon-tue-wed)
From thursday i´ll start a campaign for my self.
My hope is that people not is as awfull and stupid as I think .
Cos I really think many people are pigs without any hope for mankind..idiots.
The rage I feel, I hope will come out as constructive emotions. :-)
But right now I feel the anger as destructive.

Why is people so fucking stupid and without hope.
Can we not just always hope, cos there is despite all things that are nice.
And do hope not come from nice things.
For me it dos.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

what´s happening...

something very strange is going on
what it is i can not figure out so help me please
somewhere there is warm and loving feelings
and elsewere there is cold and despair

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


today there is a meeting for those not believing the official story to the 911event in copenhagen. Iam looking forward to that cos I believe the truth is being kept from us by evil powers,
who we need to confront, so the world can be a place where people live in love and peace.
The truth will set you free said jesus and I can feel the more research I do the more freedom I feel.
Those not willing to look for it are those being brainwashed to believe that the earth can not be
better than this hell.
The sadest part of it is that there are people so brainwashed that they do all they can to ridicoule
us only because of envy and hopelessneess in their hearts
If only they would stop that the path towards freedom for all would we be just around the corner.
Now we gonna have to wait till God desides the revelation must happend
unless ofcos its already been decided to be 21-12-12. :-)
In the "get up stand up" song by Bob Marley he say KNOW you will se the light ,so why dont you ?
Peace and love

Sunday, November 19, 2006